The school development plan (SDP) is the school’s strategic plan for improvement. It sets out the actions a school will take to improve learner outcomes.
Thameside Primary School has strengths in:
* pupil outcomes for children working at greater depth, especially in Reading and Maths
*its cohesive enriched curriculum
*its commitment to the inclusion of all children
*the value given to the CPD and upskilling of its staff
*the progress children in EYFS make from baseline assessments
Thameside Primary School wants to further develop in:
- Attendance: To further improving the attendance & punctuality of vulnerable children.
- Scaffolding: To further develop scaffolding for the lowest 20% in lessons to ensure all children are supported to work at ARE and make progress.
- SEND: To ensure effective SEND & Therapeutic Thinking provision in the classroom and ARPs through effective & sustained CPD for staff.
- Assessment: To develop effective assessment systems in foundation subjects to inform T&L and to close gaps.
- Interactions: To embed effective adult interactions, especially in EYFS & Y1 continuous provision. ‘Every interaction with children is a teaching or learning opportunity or a chance to build a connection’.
Please download our School Development Plan for 2024-25 (below) for more information on how we intend to ensure all children: make increased progress (whatever their starting point); access our curriculum offer; and close gaps in their learning. Thank you.