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Thameside Primary School: Strategic Plan 

To be updated: June 2025


Our intention in developing the plan is to set out and communicate our vision, ethos and long-term direction for the school, so that as a school community we are all clear on where we are going and what we are trying to achieve. This plan will be used in the decision-making for the school and will be used by the governing body to assess progress against our priorities.

We are proud of the school’s achievements and values. We look forward to driving the excellent progress made in recent years to make this a truly outstanding school.

This is an abbreviated version of the full plan which is designed to give you a clear and accessible insight into the direction of the school.

We would welcome any comments or suggestions.

Paul Cowley                     Sophie Greenaway

      Chair of Governors        Headteacher

Our Strategic Priorities

Underpinning our strategic priorities are the two pillars of:

Safeguarding - an absolute foundation for the school where the emphasis has been and continues to be delivering a safe, supportive and secure learning environment for staff, pupils, parents and visitors to the school. A place where all staff are vigilant and confident in dealing with all safeguarding issues.

Finance – continue to manage a sustainable financial position through prudent management of the school’s resources and finance and by planning for the long-term.

We have four key priority areas. Within each of these we have identified:

  • Intent – the aim of each priority
  • Implementation – what we need to do to achieve the intent
  • Impact & monitoring – how we know we have achieved the intent

Priority 1 – Leadership & Management

A focus on robust leadership throughout the school including from senior leaders to middle leaders and subject leaders. Strong and effective governance, with a reflective governing body providing support and challenge to the senior leadership team to drive improvement.

Priority 2 – Quality of education

Ensuring all teaching is consistently good or outstanding to ensure that children make and exceed expected progress. To further strengthen the robust and motivating performance management and effective strategies for improving teaching based on the identified needs of staff. As well as diminishing the difference where progress gaps exist across the school and, ensuring children with special educational needs have the provision they need to be successful.

Priority 3 – Behaviour, attitudes and well-being

Provide an evermore nurturing environment that allows pupils and staff to develop and work in a supportive and collaborative environment. We will ensure structures are in place that allow both staff and pupils to work in a safe, healthy and productive way.

Priority 4 – Engagement & partnership

Strengthen engagement between school, parents and the community as well as to support the school’s work with the North Reading School’s Cluster to grow leadership and management talent, heighten operational cost effectiveness, and optimise educational outcomes for all our children.