Please take note of the 'things to remember' below. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Foundation Stage staff.
Things to remember
Please ensure that all school uniform, including PE kit, is clearly labelled. It is really essential that your child is dressed appropriately for learning outdoors in all weathers. Therefore, in colder months a coat is needed in school every day. Likewise, when the weather is warmer, a sunhat and plenty of water is essential as is sun cream (applied before school) when the weather is very hot.
PE will be on a Friday for both classes. Children will come into school wearing their PE kit on this day so will not need to get changed at school.
We visit the school library once a week and during this time children have the opportunity to borrow a school library book to take home. Library books are changed weekly so don't forget to have your book ready to return on their library day.
Library day in Foudnation Stage is a Monday.
'Own Work'
'Own work' will be sent home to children once every half term. In addition to reading with your child at home, 'Own work' is a great opportunity for you to continue your child's learning at home. You will receive more information on this, in the form of a letter, once it has been set.
Reading Books
As soon as your child starts to bring home a book, please try to read with your child for at least 10 minutes each day. Remember to record your child's reading in your yellow record book.
Tapestry Weekly Round-up
On a Friday, the Foundation Stage team will endeavour to post a round-up of the learning that has taken place that week.
Termly Celebration
You will receive a termly celebration round up every term which will keep you up to date will all of the exciting learning taking place in Foundation Stage.