Thameside Primary aims to be an inclusive school. Click here to read our policy.
'This is a highly inclusive school. Pupils with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND) are supported incredibly well'.
We know how to achieve educational inclusion by:
- Identifying and overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment
- Responding to diverse learning needs
- Setting suitable and aspirational learning challenges for all children
To get to know the children in our school quickly, every child has a One-Page Profile (download below). Templates for more creative one-page profiles can be found by clicking here.
Mrs Harkins is the school's Assistant Head for Inclusion. Mrs Harkins has an open-door policy to all parents at Thameside Primary. Read Mrs Harkins' One-Page Profile (see below) to get to know her better. She can help support any pupils with special educational needs, disabilities, medical conditions or those with English as an additional language.
Mrs Harkins' email address is:
Mrs Thomas and Mrs Muldoon are the school SENDCOs, supporting Mrs Harkins in getting support for any child with special, educational needs, disabilities, medical conditions or support with English as an additional language.
Mrs Thomas' email address is:
Mrs Muldoon's email address is:
Working hours and leading on:
Mrs Harkins: Monday-Thursday. Leads SEND provision in Years 3-6
Mrs Thomas: Monday-Friday. Leads SEND provision in Years FS-3
Mrs Muldoon: Monday-Wednesday. Leads SEND provision in Rainbow and Garden Rooms.
'Pupils with SEND really do well in this school. They are happy and fully involved in the day-to-day life of school. Leaders take extra steps to make sure that the curriculum for pupils with SEND helps them to thrive and develop their independence.'
Also, see our whole school provision map below which was compiled by children, parents, external partners and staff.