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Find out what we have been up to in our PE lessons by searching the hashtag #PEtps on Twitter. 


During a regular week, the children have at least one indoor PE session and another outdoors. In addition to these lessons, the children participate in 10 minutes of timetabled outside daily exercise or a Stormbreak, which combines physical activity with mental health development.

We run a range of after school sporting / exercise activities. See our 'Clubs' page for more information. 

Meet Coach Ben!

Hi my name is Ben or Coach Ben as I am known in school. Having previously worked at Thameside through my role with Reading Football Club and I am now pleased to have officially joined the Thameside team. I completed my coaching and sports diploma at Reading Football club and then worked as a coach for the Community Trust this involved supporting children in schools, coaching at the development centre, running after school clubs and leading soccer clubs during the holiday. My role at Thameside will be to enhance the PE curriculum through applying the skills I developed through my training to support all the outdoor PE lessons; to lead on the lunchtime football for Year 1-6; to run an after-school football club, this will include organising matches with other schools or mini tournaments and to support the running of a morning netball. I have a keen interest in many sports both watching and playing. I regularly like to go and watch my favourite team, Spurs playing, I have been an avid supporter ever since I can remember. My other interests include travelling, listening to music and kick boxing. I am looking forward to my new role and to working across the school.


PE Kit

In order to develop independence, all children will get changed for PE in school, not at home, and so should have both an indoor and outdoor PE kit in school.  We recommend that they bring in their PE kit to school on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. This way, they will always have their kit in school – for PE, any physical activities within school and after school activities - even if timetables change unexpectedly. 


Indoor PE - Named PE kits should be either school PE T-Shirt and maroon shorts (available from the school office) OR plain white tee shirt and black shorts (not cycling shorts). Football kits are not permitted. Children also need a change of footwear - plimsolls or trainers.

Outdoor PE - Children should bring in plain black tracksuit bottoms to wear instead of shorts and a plain black sweatshirt or a school maroon sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece (not a hoodie) on outdoor PE days as well as a pair of trainers and their normal indoor PE top.

Your child’s PE kit should be a complete change from their school uniform.

If you have any questions about PE kit, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Keep smiling & stay active!

Miss Finn & Coach Ben