Thameside Primary School falls under the Mobius Maths Hub. Click here to visit the hub.
Mrs Greenaway (Headteacher) trained as a Cohort 3 Maths Mastery Specialist for the BBO Maths Hub and is a Local Leader of Maths Education.
Our mastery journey so far...
In 2017-18, Mrs Greenaway completed her maths mastery training and developed the maths mastery approach across our school.
In 2018-19, Mrs Greenaway and Miss Maddock (then Maths Lead) ran TRGs (Teacher Research Groups) and a Mastery Taster morning for schools within the BBO hub.
In 2019-20, following a successful Ofsted deep dive into maths, the Covid-19 pandemic saw us venture into the world of online learning with White Rose Hub maths resources.
In 2020-21, Miss Maddock successfully interviewed to train in the next cohort of Maths Mastery Specialists.
In 2021-22, Miss Maddock successfully completed her maths mastery training.
In 2022-23, Miss Maddock and Mrs Greenaway worked for the Mobius Maths Hub by running a developing work group for 4 schools. Mrs Greenaway also supported the Hub as its Headteacher Advocate.
Since 2023, Mrs Greenaway has continued in her role as the Mobius Maths Hub Headteacher Advocate and also worked as a Targeted Support Partner, supporting neighbouring schools in their maths development.
This academic year (2024-25), Mr Sussmann is joining Mrs Greenaway to lead mathematics at Thameside.