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World Storytelling Day 2024

Once upon a time, a long time ago (well, actually, back in 1991 in Sweden), a Storytelling Day was held. The ethos behind this event caught on around the globe, and now we celebrate World Storytelling Day on an international level.

The aim of World Storytelling Day is to celebrate the art of oral storytelling, with as many people as possible around the world telling and listening to stories in their own languages
on the same day.

The theme last year was New Beginnings.

This year the theme was...

Building Bridges...

Thameside decided to celebrate World Storytelling Day 2024 by first of all sharing the book 'Ten-Word Tiny Tales' by Joseph Coelho and hearing a ten-word tale inspired by the theme of 'Building Bridges'. The children then worked together, in classes, to design their own ten-word story book canvases, which are now proudly displayed in the school library. 



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